Parent Page: Thought Leaders id: 35126 Active Page: Caucus Groupsid:31826

Caucus Groups

All NCORE attendees are welcome and encouraged to attend caucus functions that align with their identities and aspirations. The informal, self-organized caucuses of NCORE provide important leadership and advisement to the conference organizers through participation in key conference planning processes; critical technical assistance; and the development of community relationships to set the context of the work, making NCORE possible.

Caucus Groups

Asian Pacific Islander NCORE (APINCORE) Caucus

APINCORE (Asian Pacific Islander caucus of the NCORE conference) provides opportunities to build community among Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) identified participants at NCORE while also discussing issues concerning the AAPI populations at educational institutions. This caucus aims to address barriers to community cohesion within the AAPI community.


Leilani Salu

Leilani Salu

Assistant Director, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Green River College 

Auburn, Washington


Paul Suk-Hyun Yoon

Paul Suk-Hyun Yoon

Chief Diversity Officer

Vermont State University 

Randolph Center, Vermont


Liu Yang

Liu Yang

Director of Inclusive Practices

Pierce College at Fort Steilacoom 

Lakewood, Washington


African American/Black Caucus/Networking and Strategy Session, Facilitated by JDOTT

This is the official African American/Black Caucus session for ALL African American/Black NCORE attendees to provide an opportunity for African American/Black attendees to meet, greet, and exchange information and strategies.  The caucus meeting is facilitated by The John D. O’Bryant National Think Tank (JDOTT). This session will include small group discussions and focusing on the following two questions:

  1. "How is your campus handling the attacks on DE&I?
  2. "How has your campus responded to the Supreme Court ruling around admissions affirmative action?"


Richard O'Bryant

Richard O'Bryant

Chief Inclusion and Belonging Officer

Northeastern University

Boston, Massachusetts


LaTashia Reedus

LaTashia Reedus

Adjunct Faculty - Sociology

Columbus State Community College 

Columbus, Ohio


Latinx Caucus

The Latinx Caucus at NCORE is designed to provide a space for Latinx students, faculty, and staff to build community, network with each other, and experience the conference together. The Caucus meets regularly throughout the conference for business and social activities. Visit our NCORE Latinx Caucus Facebook page or join our GroupMe ( We use these communication channels to stay in contact during and after the conference. 


Raul Hinojosa Jr.

Raul Hinojosa Jr.

Senior Director for Policy and Process Improvement

The University of Texas at Dallas

Dallas, TX


Ysatiz Piñero

Ysatiz Piñero

Director, Office of Leadership and Community Engagement

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Charlotte, North Carolina


MENA/SWANA Caucus (Middle East North Africa/Southwest Asia and North Africa Caucus)

This Caucus strives to create a space to make connections and build community as NCORE participants of MENA/SWANA background. The Middle East and North Africa or Southwest Asia and North Africa is defined broadly and inclusively to bring communities who feel a sense of connection to this broad cultural heritage and a commitment to decolonial, anti-colonial, anti-war, anti-racist, and anti-abelist values and practices and feminist, indigenous, and LGBTQI+ affirming. It will be a space to strategize and support one another as we bring to light issues impacting us and our communities.


Nina Shoman-Dajani

Nina Shoman-Dajani

Assistant Dean of Learning Enrichment and College Readiness

Moraine Valley Community College

Palos Hills, Illinois


Zeina Zaatari

Zeina Zaatari

Director of the Arab American Cultural Center

University of Illinois Chicago

Chicago, Illinois


Multiracial Caucus

Join us to help reinvigorate this space for multiracial higher education professionals to engage in community-building, collaborating, & collective dreaming. This caucus provides an opportunity for self-identified multiracial students, staff, faculty, & community leaders to contribute their unique gifts to co-create a support network that disrupts monoracism while combating racism. We recognize that for some, this may be your first time in a space that unapologetically centers multiraciality, and we hold that as a sacred honor. We hope you will join us!


Hayley Haywood, Ed.D.

Hayley Haywood, Ed.D.

Founder and Chief Equity Officer

Elevating Access

Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts


The Native Delegation

The Native Delegation serves as a network of the National Conference on Race & Ethnicity to enable its American Indian/Alaska Native members to support one another by sharing information and resources which impact our ability to serve our students and their sovereign tribal nations on lands occupied by the higher education institutions that employ us.


Ricardo Torres

Ricardo Torres

Emeritus Professor Counseling Faculty

California State University, Sacramento

Sacramento, California


Browning Neddeau

Browning Neddeau

Associate Professor - Elementary Teacher Education & American Indian Studies

California State University, Chico

Chico, CA


Oceania Caucus - OCNCORE

Oceania Caucus is the result of a three year long commitment to bring forth a Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) working group at NCORE. Thanks to the collective efforts of APINCORE, The Native Delegates and NCORE staff, we are proud to debut our caucus group at NCORE Hawaii. As we mark our very first caucus gathering, we hope to lay down the initial foundation and spend time building our relationships and networks with our NHPI community and friends. If you are interested in supporting our growth or just meeting folks in community, please join us.


Makerusa Porotesano

Makerusa Porotesano

Director of Multicultural Service for the Office of Student Belonging and Wellbeing

Portland Community College

Portland, Oregon


Queer Trans People of Color Caucus

The QTPOC Caucus is a space for Black, Brown, and Indigenous Individuals who are also members of the LGBGTQIA+ / hold marginalized genders and sexualities to be in community, find supports, and uplift one another around the nuances of the identities we hold.


Mycall Riley

Mycall Riley

Director of the Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota


Vanessa Gonzales-Seigel

Vanessa Gonzales-Seigel

Director, UCLA LGBTQ Campus Resource Center

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California


Transracial Adoptees TRA Group

Please join us for an informal affinity gathering space to connect with other POC adoptees and POC who experienced foster care attending NCORE. This is an opportunity to network, build community, share conference feedback, and provide a space for processing the NCORE experience and beyond (i.e. intersectionality, multiracial/multicultural family, unseen identity, proximity to whiteness, adoptee/foster care moments, reclaiming racial/cultural identity, etc.). Recognizing our intersections, this year we have expanded our caucus to include POC who have experienced foster care. We recognize that.


Michelle Bagshaw

Michelle Bagshaw

Assistant Director of Academic Services

University of Washington 

Seattle, Washington


Beth Yu Simpson

Beth Yu Simpson

Teaching Associate - Child Welfare Training and Advancement Program

University of Washington

Seattle, Washington


Saul Tran Cornwall

Saul Tran Cornwall

Assistant Teaching Professor - School of Social Work

University of Washington 

Seattle, Washington


Markeith Royster

Markeith Royster

Program Director, Bruin Guardian Scholars Academy

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California


Whites Partnering to Dismantle Racism

The “Whites Partnering to Dismantle Racism” caucus group at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education is a dedicated collective of individuals who identify as white and are committed to the cause of racial justice. This group recognizes the systemic nature of racism and acknowledges the privilege associated with their racial identity. They are committed to using this privilege to challenge and dismantle racist structures, policies, and practices within higher education. Through education, advocacy, and allyship, they aim to create a more inclusive and equitable academic environment. This caucus group serves as a space for self-reflection, learning, dialogue, and action planning, all aimed at promoting racial justice in higher education. Their work is guided by the principles of accountability, humility, and solidarity with people of color. They strive to make a meaningful contribution to the broader movement for racial equity in higher education.


Joanna Schwartz

Joanna Schwartz

Professor of Marketing

Georgia College & State University

Milledgeville, Georgia
